Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pinoy Obama look-a-like version


Another look a like Pinoy version of US President-elect Barack Obama shot to fame.

Pinoy Obama on Motilium Commercial

"Pinoy Obama" starring in the commercial about dyspepsia together with President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo look a like or 'Ate Glow' made him famous. Ilham Anas a professional photographer from Bandung, Indonesia his office-mates played a prank on him and dressed him up as Barrack Obama.

Pinoy Obama look-a-like version
Pinoy Obama look-a-like version
Pinoy Obama look-a-like version
Pinoy Obama look-a-like version
Pinoy Obama look-a-like version
Even in his killer close-up smile are similar to Barrack Obama.

Pinoy Obama look-a-like
Pinoy Obama killer smileBut unfortunately this "Pinoy Obama" was not invited to the historic inauguration of the first African American president of the Unites State.

Check this the next most famous and most search version after the historic inauguration in the US.
The pound for pound African American president.The pound for pound African American president.