A mystery in the new 3G iPhone appear a pictures of an Asian factory worker found. The iPhone was sold to a British customer have generated keen discussion on the Internet about her identity. This mystery iPhone Girl as could in the news, this is cam from news.yahoo.com which generates Internet intrigue.
According to the news posted, there were three pictures, show a young Asian woman working on what appeared to be an assembly for iPhone. Below the posted was the link of the forum of MacRumors.com were the pictures are being posted by the user named only as "markm49uk" from UK. As I looked, the news as its described the Mysterious iPhone Girl dressed in a pink striped outfit and hat and wearing white gloves with yellow fingertips, the young woman is shown smiling and making victory signs as she poses next to an 3G iPhone.
Here are the pictures young woman now known on the Web as the "iPhone Girl" from MacRumors.com.

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